In the Bible the word "Lord" is found 1,853 times. The word "Jehovah" 6,855 times- The word "Reverend" but once, and that in the 9th verse of Psalm in. The 8th verse of the 97th Psalm is the middle verse of the Bible. The 9th verse of the 8th chapter of Esther is the longest The 35th verse of the 11th chapter of St John is the shortest. In the 107th Psalm four verses are alike: The 8th, 15th, 21st and 31st Ezra 7:21 contains all the letters of the alphabet except J. Each verse of the 136th Psalm ends alike. No names or words of more than six syllables are found in the Bible. The 37th chapter of Isaiah and 19th chapter of II Kings are alike. The word "girl" occurs but once in the Bible, and that in the 3d verse of the 3d chapter of Joel. There are found in both books of the Bible 3,538,483 letters, 773.693 words, 31,373 verses, 1,189 chapters and 66 books. The 26th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles is the finest chapter to read. The most beautiful chapter is the 23rd Psalm. The four most inspiring promises are John 14:2-6, 37; Matthew 11 :28; Psalm 37:4. The 1st verse of the 50th chapter of Isaiah is the one for the new convert. All who flatter themselves with vain boasting should read the 6th chapter of Matthew. All humanity should learn the 6th chapter of St Luke from the 20th verse to its ending.